Kevin Canterbury Redstone Capital Management

Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona

About Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management

Kevin Canterbury is owner, Managing Director, and a financial advisor at Redstone Capital Management in Arizona, a financial services firm created to provide accessible wealth management solutions and comprehensive insights to clients.

Prior to his career in financial services, Kevin was a member of the Army, having attended Military Police School in Fort McClellan, Alabama. After serving for over four years stationed in areas such as Alaska, Central America, and Japan, Kevin graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a bachelor’s degree in business communication.

In 2004, Kevin began working in the financial services sector with a Fortune 500 firm, earning both his CLU and CHFC in the process. His experiences with larger firms inspired Kevin to form a smaller firm of his own, where he could play a leading role in helping individuals access insurance and wealth management solutions adjusted to their specific needs.

As an advisor, Kevin Canterbury has built a reputation within the industry for his skills in creating tailored financial plans using clients’ personal objectives and expertise in areas such as retirement planning, purchasing property (for first time and experienced homeowners), college fund creation, and more. Kevin knows that, even in difficult economic times, individuals can harness tools to achieve financial goals and successes, and he remains on the cutting edge of investment and insurance solutions with this in mind.

In Kevin Canterbury’s free time, he enjoys activities such as exploring Arizona, hiking, and playing golf. Kevin has been a proud member of the Phoenix community for over twenty years. is Your Platform for Financial Services Insights

Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona

In today’s landscape, it is extremely important that individuals have knowledge of finances, the wealth of solutions available to them, and the processes that professionals draw from to help them reach their financial goals. That is why this site aims to help those interested in learning more about the sector and existing professionals with making more informed decisions while remaining mindful of important considerations.

As a one-stop-shop for financial services resources, aims to help readers:

Learn More about the Financial Services Sector

Information on the financial services sector is valuable not only for professionals within the space, but for clients and individuals seeking out ways to improve their financial realities as well. Through resources that explore financial services, its processes, and more, this site hopes to help readers make more informed decisions regarding their financial needs and solutions that empower them to achieve their unique ideas of financial success. If you have ever wondered about the financial services field, the work that professionals do on behalf of clients, and how innovative solutions contribute to better financial standing, this site has you covered!

Plan for Retirement, College Fund Creation, Property Purchasing, and More

Kevin Canterbury’s career in financial services is underlined by a passion for helping individuals set their finances up for the various stages of life. When it comes down to it, there are many points in life when comprehensive financial planning is required, and having knowledge of some of the factors, tips, and tricks of preparing for them can make things far easier. Whether you are looking to plan for retirement, create a college fund, purchase property, combine finances through marriage or a civil union, start a family, etc., lifestyle financial planning resources on this site will provide you with valuable information that sets you up for success at every step of the way.

Remain on the Cutting Edge of Financial Technology (Fintech)

Financial technology (fintech) plays an extremely vital role in innovating the financial services sector, improving ease of access, compliance, analysis, and more for the sake of professionals and their clientele. Kevin Canterbury finds fintech to be a rather interesting section of his field, in part because changes are constantly being made with users in mind, and there is always more to learn. For more information that empowers you to stay on the cutting edge of financial technology, its applications, and its developments, feel free to check out future content on this site.

Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona

Follow Market Commentary and Economic Reviews

Market commentary and economic reviews can help professionals and those interested in the financial services industry as a whole follow trends within the market and make more informed decisions along the way. For this reason, this site aims to include end-of-month economic reviews based on Mr. Canterbury’s financial insights.

Keep up With Industry News and Developments

Kevin Canterbury recognizes that the financial sector is constantly evolving, making way for new tech, best practices, etc. That being said, keeping up with industry news and developments can be helpful for professionals, clients, those exploring their needs for financial services, and those who are looking to find success within their respective markets. For comprehensive industry news and developments, as well as Kevin Canterbury’s insights on the scope and impact of these changes, check out

Develop Important Skills as Professionals

The best professionals within the industry are always looking to grow their acumen and develop essential skills that empower them to bring sustainable results to their clients and the institutions that they serve. New and experienced financial sector professionals alike can turn to this site as a resource for high-level information on concepts such as accessing learning opportunities and continued education, showing a commitment to positive client relations, leveraging technology for improved financial analysis, and much more.

For More Financial Services Insights from Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona

Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona

Looking for more financial services resources inspired by Kevin Canterbury of Redstone Capital Management in Arizona’s experience and insights? This site is the perfect place for you! From information on helpful, innovative financial services solutions to professional development tips, this site will provide tailored content that makes exploring the industry easier than ever. Thank you for visiting and be sure to tune in for more!